«MINETECH MACHINERY» started up Hitachi EX3600-6BH excavator at «Taldinsky» coal mine

In February 2018 «MINETECH MACHINERY» started up Hitachi EX3600-6BH excavator at «Taldinsky» coal mine, part of «СC Kuzbassrazrezugol», OJSC, one of the largest company in Russia specializing in open-cut mining.

The Ifirst Hitachi EX3600-6BH excavator has worked at this coal mine for more than 10 years, showing high performance and reliability. From the side of the power-mechanical department of «Taldinsky» coal mine, the first machine was marked with distinctive solutions of some parts of the excavator, which minimize the risks of an accidental failure, as well as the presence of special platforms on the machine that are convenient for current maintenance and repairs.

This event was visited by Representatives of «СC Kuzbassrazrezugol», OJSC, the representatives of the plant-manufacturer, the President of the mining department «Hitachi Construction Machinery» Co.Ltd (Japan), the General Director of HITACHI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY EURASIA (Moscow), as well as «MINETECH MACHINERY».


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